Aromatic, fresh and intense. Try me any way you like.
Season with less salt and less oil to enhance my taste. All of us at Agricola Moderna are already as good as we are.
Smell that scent!
Spaghettoni alla nerano recipe
White lasagna with basil pesto
Risotto with basil oil

I am good
with everything.

Be gone pesticides!
We are simple salads. All we need is a protected environment, clean air, light and some water. Pesticides, plant protection products and herbicides are therefore naturally avoided.
We are free-spirited salads, which is why we are Nickel-free and avoid any association with heavy metals.
Saving useful resources for the planet.
My superpower? Growing vertically. Not only do we yield more by taking up less space, but our cultivation method needs so little water that we recycle used water and water generated by out plants.
Scroll down and we will tell you how we grow our salads.
I am born, I grow and I run on shelves
In Melzo, just outside Milan, there is an Agricola Moderna Vertical Farm where indoor crops are grown using the hydroponic method. There, inside two facilities, each 8 metres high, I grow naturally protected and controlled.
I am sown in an organic substrate, composed of organic, draining materials that help me grow healthy and strong, while preventing me from coming into contact with Nickel or heavy metals.
The scent of a new beginning.
What's on day 3?
For 3 days I am in a small enclosed cell and thanks to the darkness, humidity, uncontaminated air and controlled temperature, I finally germinate.
I see the light!
From day 4 something starts
DAY 4-19
The secret of my beauty? LED lights with the right wave frequency and the hydroponic irrigation method. I therefore grow in a healthy manner. In fact, I am certified Nickel-free with Zero pesticides.
My roots are growing strong!
On the 20th-are you ready?
day 20
Check-ups and Harvesting
For 20 days I grow and am monitored by careful agronomists and through technological sensors. Then I am cut, packed and ready to go on my way.
Smell how fragrant I am!
The dawn of a new day: the 21st
DAY 21
Arrival at the supermarket
I am on the shelves in 24 hours, ready to be chosen! I am grown in a naturally protected environment thanks to indoor farming, so I am naturally ready for consumption. I don’t undergo washing or treatment and therefore retain all my freshness and texture. Thanks to this small natural choice, I have a longer shelf life than all other salads. I will keep in your fridge for up to 12 days after packing.
I’m coming!

Now you know everything about my life...
but what about my packaging?

My packaging is made of 100% recyclable plastic and is 70% produced from renewable sources.
In particular, from used frying oil that could not enter any other production cycle.